Friday, March 27, 2009

The Story So Far

My current Cygnar holdings are as follows:
    • Commander Coleman Stryker
    • Captain Victoria Haley
    • Ironclad
    • Charger
    • Lancer
    • Hunter
    • Journeyman Warcaster (alt.)

I also have two Iron Kingdoms models - Valeria Alvaro, Ordic Pistoller and Taryn di la Rovissi, Llaelese Gun Mage - that I plan on using as substitutes for a Gun Mage Captain Adept. I'll probably paint them both up, but I'm leaning toward using the Ordic Pistoller - she looks more badass and less like a skank!

Right now, my focus is on building (and trying to paint) a respectable 350 pt. Cygnar force:

Cygnar Starting Force
Army Points: 350/350
Victory Points: 13
    Captain Victoria Haley
    • Ironclad
    • Lancer
    Journeyman Warcaster
    • Hunter
All things said, I think it'd make a pretty good Mangled Metal list (well, except for that there solo). I know that many (most?) Warmachine armies aren't painted, and that I shouldn't wait to play till every single model is painted. But I'd like to play with something I'm proud of, ya know? I'm almost done with my Journeyman Warcaster, and I've pinned and assembled the Hunter and Lancer. I'll get pics of the JW up soon enough, as well as the Lancer - the latter has an easy but interesting conversion I'd like to show off.

Till then, if any of my readers have any tips or tricks they'd like to share - either with the army or the models - I'd love to hear them! Over at ATT, it's been pointed out that everything is about to change - which is completely true! - and that I should carve my own path. I agree... but friendly feedback is always fun!


  1. It's a good start!

    As you build out into units, try dropping the hunter and adding 6 Sword Knights + UA. To me, SKs are a staple, and they will give you more versatile killing power and be a broader threat than the hunter, which is a one trick pony (although it is a darned good trick!) Try this - first, use temporal barrier to make sure you are the one to get the charge off. Then, advance your lancer until it is engaged with your opponents nastiest heavy (take advantage of his reach to stack back as well - you want as much room around the enemies base as possible for what comes next...) Then, charge in the sword knights! With the lancer granting them flank and dismantle/dismember from the UA, you are talking about 5 dice on the charge attack, and 4 dice on the second attack. Hailey's feat can even give you a *third* attack with four dice... There isn't much that is going to survive three or four sword knights throwing that many dice. Seems like it should be hard to do, but I somehow seem to pull it off all the time. (BTW - Jr. doesn't have a jack in this list - his job is to upkeep arcane shield on the sword knights and takes boosted attack/damage handcannon shots, which people *always* underestimate.)

    Long gunners are the other great option for Haley. TB makes for a brutal game facing the LGs!

  2. DF, thanks for the comment - it's exactly what I was looking for! The Sword Knights are a sweet looking model, and on your advice, I'm considering adding them to my repertoire. It sounds like Haley's TB perfectly matches their play style, letting the SKs get in close without being charged.

    Man, thank you again!

  3. My first few games with JWC I had with the Charger, but then learned he was much better without a jack. With his low RAT, he'll almost always have to boost the attack. It's expensive for him, but if you can get it off, Disruptor will surprise people because it's seldom used (in my group anyway).

    Yes, I like my sword knights as well, but I'm still practicing the SK's flanking around a jack to get the bonus. Probably my own inexperience at it. I hadn't even thought of the Lancer's reach, which is a fabulous idea. I keep learning something new about this game every day!

    btw, your blog is a great start. I'm eager to check back from time to time to see what you've posted.
